Creative or A creative

8:38 AM

I have been debating a certain issue for a while. And this morning I finally boiled it down to one question. Am I creative? Or am I A creative? My loved ones will easily offer that they think I am creative. But what I think they mean is that I think outside the box. I agree. I easily can take a step back and erase one of two of the rules that were imposed and think of the project in a new way. Below are some pictures of creative projects I did when I first got to my recycling coordinator job. 

 The walls in this one open room where we host field trips were painted blue, green and brown when I got there. I would have NEVER thought of that! There were tables against the walls but I needed something to draw people to look up. I made a cardboard cut out sign for each wall describing what was on each table. "What does green mean?" "What is recyclable?" and "What does it become?"

This is another cardboard cut out sign for the front entrance. Notice you see a shadow behind the sign. I used more cardboard to give them some dimension off the wall.  This is Mr. Recycle and Miss No-No. Miss No-No was already in existence when I got to my job. All I did was make her a mate. 

I wanted people to understand that there are other businesses in Greenwood that recycle as well as other cities. I LOVE maps so it was basically an excuse to put a map on my work wall. The kids love finding their house which makes me extra happy that they are looking at a map. 

I remember making the two owls while watching a movie with the roommates when I first moved to town. I think his textured chest is made out of wallpaper I got from a wallpaper sampler book that someone wrongfully recycled. 

There are sometimes people in my office building when I am not around. They sometimes hold gun classes here on the weekends. I wanted to make all the random junk on the table have meaning to the common person who walked by. So I just drew on the paper that they were sitting on. 

 Notice the paper is ripped. If you can rip it, it's paper!


The boxes on the left demonstrate that recycling can be fun and you don't need to go buy a fancy bin to recycle. And the right is a newspaper article I pasted on wood I painted. Again the walls were blank and might as well show off a great newspaper article featuring the recycling center. 

The majoring of the people in Greenwood don't know what recycling is. So the concept of "being green" is totally not normal. So once in a while when I have an older group of kids I quickly dip into the idea of "being green." This ain't Portland, but we have to start somewhere!

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