Wedding Photo Wall

3:47 PM

We did it! We got our wedding photos ON a wall in our house within 
our first year of marriage. We love love love all our wedding photos 
so it was really hard to choose just 5 out of the 2,000+ that we have. 

After save files on DropBox and texting the other to check them out quick,
we finally decided on below.

The first step was to pick the photos. We used Publisher so we could figure the size. 
As you see we ended up cropping the photo of just me so it matched Thomas' close up. 
Also notice that we had the photos going from taller on the left to lower on the right. 
We didn't keep that layout when we placed them on the wall. 

 We order the photos from Mpix. 
Thomas has used this company a bunch of times for his photography. 
They are reasonably priced and excellent quality. 

We purchased the frames from Ikea. Obviously great prices! 
Once showed up with shattered glass which then scraped another frame. 
Ikea replaced both at no cost. 

 Thomas working his magic. He is good at getting it perfect. Yay!

Thomas and his attendant son the left. 
Myself and my attendants on the right. An almost kiss in the middle! 

And now I see the benefit of antiglare glass. Oh well. I am thrilled to have that corner 
not a complete void and to have our beautiful pictures on display. 
It makes this four walled room feel more like OURS. Here's to marriage ;) 

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